Dec 29, 2017

Cory Diary : XIRR Performance - 2017 Final

With the last trading day over for the year, is time to publish 2017 annual return.

Here's the Logic of the measure to produce the performance table

- Final book value between the last trading day close of the years
- Excel XIRR Dollar weighted is more rational as Time is Money and reflect portfolio growth rate of an investor better

As above, Equity return for year 2017 is 13.5%. This is quite a good year but still fall short of this year STI Index hitting 18.25% excluding dividends. The main reasons are due to lack of significant bank exposure and mute Telco returns. Despite so, able to achieve double digit returns should be satisfied.

For reference, annualized returns since 2007 (below chart) , is still ahead of STI Index. Do note STI index 0.8% excludes dividends. I am truly humbled through simulation that is not easy to move an 11th year old XIRR figure of 7% to just 1 % more. This is because of expanding portfolio and time value. So for Warren Buffet to achieve more than 20% over 50 year is incredible.

Current Bond/PS exposure constitutes 22%. Lower Reits figure of 33% due to late buying of Singtel, HrNet and ST Engineering. And re-balancing of CMT. I am glad to be back into LMIR when the stock corrected more than 10%.


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